Atoms And Molecules

7) How many grams are there in 9.40 x 1025 molecules of H 2? 315 grams 8) How many molecules are there in 237 grams of CCl 4? 9.28 x 10 23 molecules 9) How many molecules are there in 2.30 grams of NH 3? 8.13 x 10 22 molecules 10) How many grams are there in 3.30 x 1023 molecules of N 2I 6? 433 grams 11) How many moles are there in 2.00 x 1019.

The atomic number is the number of protons an atom has. It is characteristic and unique for each element. The atomic mass (also referred to as the atomic weight) is the number of protons and neutrons in an atom. Atoms of an element that have differing numbers of neutrons (but a constant atomic number) are termed isotopes.Isotopes, shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, can be used to determine the. Solids, liquids, gases - all matter - are made up of atoms (or other things, like molecules, that are made from atoms)! ELEMENTS are the kinds of atoms that we can have. Carbon is an element, hydrogen is an element, and so is oxygen. (We can call them by their names, or by their symbols - C for carbon, H for hydrogen, and O for oxygen.). Here is your Free Content for your Lesson on Atoms and Molecules! Atoms and Molecules Worksheet - Word Docs, PowerPoint, & PDF's. 1-1 Lesson Plan - Atoms and Molecules (PDF) 1-1 Lesson Plan - Atoms and Molecules (Doc) BELL RINGER. 1-1 Bell Ringer SE - Atoms and Molecules (Doc) 1-1 Bell Ringer SE - Atoms and Molecules (PDF).

If you already know what ATOMS and ELEMENTS and MOLECULES are and want to dive straight into polymers, click here.

OK, so -- what's an atom and what does it have to do with molecules?

Atoms And Molecules For Kids

Let's talk tiny, and I mean really itty-bitty. ATOMS are the basic building blocks of everything you can see around you, and even lots of things you can't see, like the air that you breathe. Atoms are so small that there are millions and billions and trillions in the tiniest speck you can see. Solids, liquids, gases - all matter - are made up of atoms (or other things, like molecules, that are made from atoms)!

ELEMENTS are the kinds of atoms that we can have. Carbon is an element, hydrogen is an element, and so is oxygen. (We can call them by their names, or by their symbols - C for carbon, H for hydrogen, and O for oxygen.) All the elements are listed out in a periodic table. If it's in the table, it's an element!

Atoms And Molecules Are Part Of Which Level Of Organization

Atoms can join together - they form bonds together - to make MOLECULES. For example, two atoms of hydrogen hook together to form a molecule of hydrogen, H2 for short. Pretty simple, huh?

Click here to take a look at a 3-D model of hydrogen (H2).

Now, if you stick an oxygen atom in between those two hydrogens, you have a molecule of water - H2O!

Click here to see water (H2O) in 3-D.

Atoms And Molecules Definition

Each type of atom typically forms the same number of bonds (they tend to be stubborn that way). For example, a hydrogen atom forms one bond, an oxygen atom forms two, and carbon forms four bonds. Look at that molecule of water again - each hydrogen has one bond, and the oxygen in the middle has two bonds.

Molecules can be much bigger. One molecule of vitamin C is made up of 20 atoms (6 carbons, 8 hydrogens, and 6 oxygens - that's C6H8O6). If you take those 20 atoms of vitamin C and mix them around, bonding them together in a different order, you'll have a totally different molecule that not only looks different, it acts different. (If your legs were sticking out of your head, you'd act weird too!!)

Vitamin C
Somebody Else

So, molecules are atoms stuck together, but not just any old way. Changing which atom is bonded to which can change the properties of a molecule, that is, how it looks and acts - and that changes how a whole BUNCH of molecules hanging out together will look and act. For example, water is a liquid, hydrogen is a gas, and vitamin C is a solid.

'SO WHAT?!!' you ask. Well, when we talk about polymers, how the atoms are bonded to each other can have a HUGE impact on what something made out of those polymers feels like and reacts when you bash it or step on it or throw it against the wall. Like, will it stick to the wall or bounce off?

A Bonding Experience

The kind of bond we've been talking about here is called a 'covalent bond,' meaning that it's made by sharing electrons between two atoms.

More about bonding and the structure of atoms here, otherwise ....

Let's talk POLYMERS !!

Atoms And Molecules Map

Hydrogen bonding differs from other uses of the word 'bond' since it is a force of attraction between a hydrogen atom in one molecule and a small atom of high electronegativity in another molecule. That is, it is an intermolecular force, not an intramolecular force as in the common use of the word bond. As such, it is classified as a form of van der Waals bonding, distinct from ionic or covalent bonding.

When hydrogen atoms are joined in a polar covalent bond with a small atom of high electronegativity such as O, F or N, the partial positive charge on the hydrogen is highly concentrated because of its small size. If the hydrogen is close to another oxygen, fluorine or nitrogen in another molecule, then there is a force of attraction termed a dipole-dipole interaction. This attraction or 'hydrogen bond' can have about 5% to 10% of the strength of a covalent bond.

Atoms And Molecules Worksheet


Atoms And Molecules Ged

Hydrogen bonding has a very important effect on the properties of water and ice. Hydrogen bonding is also very important in proteins and nucleic acids and therefore in life processes. The 'unzipping' of DNA is a breaking of hydrogen bonds which help hold the two strands of the double helix together.